Florida Kosher Villas Blog

Investing In Short Term Rentals


Should I Get Into the Short Term Kosher Vacation Rental Market? It’s a question we get asked so often. People love what we’re doing. They watched the Latest Talks interview with our CEO, Shaya

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Kosher Vacations, Google-style


So you went searching on Google for kosher vacation rentals. And came up with some interesting responses. But you want a really kosher vacation rental. From someone who understands

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Love thy Neighbor – Part 2


On Preventing Vacation Rental Neighbor Complaints in the First Place (Continued from the previous article, Part 1) The best way to deal with complaints is to prevent them from happening in

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Love thy Neighbor – Part 1


On Handling (and Preventing) Vacation Rental Neighbor Complaints Complaints from your neighbors about your vacation rental shouldn’t keep you awake at night. Noisy, inconsiderate or

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Latest Talks Podcast – Watch!


In Yiddish – Honest, down-to-earth, entertaining, and amazingly clear and interesting for any frum yid. Latest Talks podcast recently held a fascinating interview, chock full of business advice, candid

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A REAL Catskill Vacation


Swan Lake, NY. Swan Lake? What’s there? A lot. A whole lot. Probably a lot more than you even thought to think about, actually. But in its own, unassuming way, this pristine part of the Catskills

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Of Miracles & Memories…


…and Rusty Nails Reused By S.A. Rowner It was made of memories and miracles. And it was ingeniously expandable to any size it needed to be. A feat of engineering, you might think. But

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How Not to Vacation


Wintertime CAN be fun… or really not… By: S.A. Rowner The treadmill of a busy life just doesn’t stop. And it gets tiring, makes one feel irritable, and sometimes just gets overwhelming. Never

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