How will I know my booking is confirmed, and instructions to get into the property?

Once our office approves your booking request, you will receive several important emails:

1) First, a confirmation quote with the total cost, along with a list of acceptable payment methods and their due dates.

2) A rental contract will follow, and must be signed and returned to prior to checking into your villa.

After your rental contract has been signed and full payment has been processed, you will receive a final email with arrival instructions.

If you have booked a reservation and have not received confirmation and/or payment instructions from us after 24 hours, please call (305) 650-8830, or email

Zmanim for North Miami Beach
March 16 - ט״ז אדר
  Dawn    6:20  
  Earliest talis    6:47  
  Sunrise    7:29  
  Latest shema    10:28  
  Latest shacharis     11:29  
  Midday    1:29  
  Earliest mincha    2:00  
  Plag hamincha    6:14  
  Sunset    7:30  
  Nightfall    8:05  
  72 minutes    8:43  
( Click for more )
שבת פרשת ויקהל
March 21 - כ״א אדר
  Candle lighting    7:14  
  Shabbos ends    8:08  
  72 minutes    8:45  
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